Specimen Nr. 03


Fibroblasts of scar tissue (Sheep)





Important structures :

1.Cell process
2.Fibroblast (cell body)
3.Extracellular matrix
In heilenden Wunden finden sich zahlreiche aktive Fibroblasten. Die Zelloberfläche dieser spindelförmigen Fibroblasten zeigt deutlich mehrere lange dünne Zellfortsätze. Diese stehen oft mit anderen Fibroblasten in Kontakt. In der Umgebung des Fibroblasten ist die extrazelluläre Matrix mit dem teils dichtmaschigen, teils grobmaschigen Geflecht kollagener Fibrillen zu erkennen.


Cell process
Fibroblast (cell body)
Extracellular matrix


1. Rough endoplasmatic reticulum
2. Golgi apparatus
3. Secretory granule
4. Nucleus
5. Mitochondrion

Scanning electron microscope (SEM)

It is not necessary to prepare ultra-thin sections for examinations under the scanning electron microscope because the electron beam does not penetrate the object, in contrast to transmission electron microscope (TEM).

The SEM image is created directly by a point-to-point visualization of the surface details of the specimen. To achieve this effect, a very thin electron beam scans the surface of the specimen line by line. Each surface point emits secondary electrons whose different intensities are measured by a detector.

When preparing tissue specimens for a scanning electron microscopic examination, the specimens are dried instead of embedded and sliced after fixation and dehydration.

The dehydration technique commonly used today is critical-point drying. The dried specimens are then coated with gold in a vacuum, the so-called sputtering apparatus. This covers the specimen with a surface which can emit secondary electrons.

Zu den Aufgaben des faserigen Bindegewebes gehört die Fähigkeit, bei schweren Gewebeschäden das abgestorbene Gewebe durch eine fibröse Narbe zu ersetzen. Chemische Ambozeptoren aus dem geschädigten Gewebe ziehen Phagozyten an, wie z.B. neutrophile Granulozyten und Monozyten. Diese Zellen treten aus dem Blut in das Gewebe über und verdauen die zerstörten Zellen. Gleichzeitig werden Fibroblasten durch die Sekretion von Wachstumsfaktoren zur Proliferation angeregt. Die stimulierten Fibroblasten sind pluripotent, d.h. sie können sich zu verschiedenen Zellarten weiterdifferenzieren.

Cell process
Cell process
Fibroblast (cell body)
Extracellular matrix

HistoNet2000 - Help

1. Organization of the screen surface

Right side: histologic specimen
Left side: information about the specimen (above) and general program functions (below)

2.Histologic specimen

Pull the mouse across the histologic specimen for training purposes. A small square with exclamation marks (dynamic labels) will appear where there is an important structure. You should then decide what structure this could be. To check your result, simply click the appropriate square, and the correct label will appear. The option “marked” allows you to see all labels for all structures simultaneously. These can be removed by clicking “unmarked”. This reactivates the dynamic labels.

3. Complementary information

Info: general information about the specimen, as well as a list of the dynamic labels
Drawing: schematic drawing of the specimen
Staining: information about the staining method for this specimen
Knowledge: short texts with basic histologic information, presently deactivated

4. General Program Functions

Home: returns you to the “start” page
Tutor: how to contact the HistoNet Team
Help: Instructions for Use appear
Exit: closes down the HistoNet program
Boxes: goes back to the other specimen of a topic
VM: provides virtual microscopy

We hope you will enjoy working with HistoNet2000 and learn a lot from it!

Cose help